Saturday 13 April 2013

How has Web 2.0 changed the world?

Your computer, phone, or a tablet which means you are constantly socializing online. Web 2.0 services expand the pool of people we have the opportunity to meet to near limitless possibilities. We're no longer restricted to or rely on people in our neighborhood, church, or workplaces to provide the interaction we desire instead we just use online social networking. In the 19s not many people were overweight or had many health problems because people would have to make effort to communicate with someone by letters etc., but now in this new generation many people are completely dependent on elements that Web 2.0 cover.

People don't bother communicating in person anymore because they have these elements like twitter where they can just simply communicate with other people and because of this many health problems rise like people spoiling their eyes, people starting to go over weight which can lead to series of other problems like diabetes, and people are putting their own lives at risk.

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